Treasurer, Board of Trustees and Technical Consultant
Dan holds an Electrical Engineering degree from Valparaiso and an MBA from Pace. His enthusiasm for technology is rooted in his drive to apply the constantly- and rapidly-evolving power of computing to solving business process and information problems.
While designing and implementing process control automation systems for the Pharmaceutical Industry, Dan’s earlier career centered on meeting the rigorous documentation and design demands of complying with the FDA’s computer validation requirements.
Currently, as Records Manager for the County of Sussex, Dan leads the development of automation, business process, and document management strategies needed to organize, index, store, and manage over 50 million document-pages. His innovative approach to providing access for both internal and public users via simple and effective map-based portals is recognized statewide.
Dan serves as Vice-president of CARMA – the County Archives and Records Management Association of New Jersey.
Guiding the Board and the development of SGI’s Sustainable Gardening Library provides Dan with the ideal place to apply his unique skill set while making a meaningful contribution toward healing the planet.